
Labor will upgrade Kiama Down SLSC

March 17, 2023 10:01 am in by


Katelin McInerney, Labor’s candidate for the seat of Kiama has announced that a Minns’ Labor Government will invest $30,000 to upgrade the current facilities at the Kiama Downs Surf Life Saving Club.  

This funding will allow the club to upgrade their amenities and radio room to make sure that local Surf Life Savers are able to continue their critically important work for our community.  


This announcement comes after NSW Labor Leader Chris Minns committed to increase funding to Surf Life Saving NSW by $23 Million over the next four years.  

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In 2021/22 there were 55 drowning deaths recorded, the highest since records began, 28 people have drowned at New South Wales beaches in the last three months Dec 2022 until March 23. 

Surf Life Saving NSW is one of the largest volunteer organisations of its type in the country with over 75,000 members, also serving as community hubs in coastal towns across the state. 

Images: Katelin McInnerney
