Banking Safely Online Session
Community Bank Nowra & District helping the Shoalhaven bank safely online with Tea, Coffee & light refreshments
Community Bank Nowra & District will soon be hosting a Banking Safely Online education session, open to all customers and the general public:
Wednesday 20th March 2024 – 6PM
C.W.A. Rooms, 39 Berry Street, Nowra
Bendigo Bank’s community focused education approach is enabling one-on-one connections between Community Bank Nowra & District and the public to help grow their digital capabilities, confidence and help more Australians safely navigate digital banking.
The 30-minute session will highlight the benefits and importance of getting digitally connected and staying safe while enabling attendees to protect themselves from scams and fraud.
The Bank’s community focused approach is in response to the growing problem of scams and fraud, with Australians losing more than $3 billion to scams in 2022, according to ScamWatch (ACCC).
Community Bank Nowra & District Chair Mr. James Morris said the upcoming Banking Safely Online session will help make new and existing digital banking users comfortable and confident.
“More than ever before, it is important with the everchanging banking environment we need to keep our community safe by giving them the most UpToDate information”, he said.
Rotary & Lions Clubs, sporting associations, social and community groups can contact their local Bendigo Bank branch and enquire about a Banking Safely Online education session for their members.
Media enquiries:
For more information contact Jason Cox Branch Operations Manager 02 4422 7574 or email Bendigo Bank at
Thank You!
About Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank is Australia’s better big bank, with around 7,000 staff helping over 2.4 million customers to achieve their financial goals. Bendigo and Adelaide Bank’s vision is to be Australia’s bank of choice, by feeding into the prosperity of customers and their communities