Community Connection Day
- Connect with local First Nations community through a Welcome to Country with Jrumpinjinbah.
- There will be a smoking ceremony in which people can approach and participate by receiving a cleansing and enjoy some traditional indigenous music.
- There will be live music by Shyana
- Carmen from ‘Shoalhaven Therapy Care’ will be bringing her Mobile Healing Hub
- Chiropractic Life will be bringing their own marquee offering ‘Chiropractic Testing’ on the day – giving people the chance to explore the difference that chiropractic care can offer.
- Denise Bradshaw from Koori Kullas will be presenting her artwork for sale and her self-authored books on ‘Dhurga Language Greeting Words’.
- Alison Walker will be holding a trestle table sale with her woven earrings. She will be bringing her aboriginal art along for sale.
- Leysha Brown McLeod will be joining the mini market with her popular first nations brand Nardaparli Creations.
- We welcome Our Future Shoalhaven to represent the opportunity to discover how we can join in protecting the beauty of our beautiful Shoalhaven.