Marine Rescue Sussex Inlet Open day
Marine Rescue Sussex Inlet is holding their annual Open Day on Saturday the 5th of October at 8.30am. Come and explore out unit, see how we operate. There are heaps of activities for the kids: Pin the motor on the boat, Save Bob from drowning, colouring competition, show bags, raffles plus more. Enjoy a steak sandwich whilst listening to the Shoalhaven Pipe and Drum band and local guitarist and singer Peter Hughes and Dave Myers. There will be CPR/Defib demonstrations and basic first aid. Learn how to operate your radio properly and have a chat to Maritime about boat safety and life jackets. Our Jets Skis will be doing rescue demonstrations, and you will also have the opportunity to have your photo taken on one. Our monster garage sale is always a hit as is our Devonshire teas. We hope to see you here at 30 Sussex Rd Sussex Inlet.