Leader of The Nationals David Littleproud said he is proud to announce Katrina Hodgkinson as The Nationals’ candidate in the seat of Whitlam.
Mr Littleproud said Ms Hodgkinson is already well known in the local area and has already heard from families all across the region, who are struggling with Labor’s cost-of-living crisis.
“Katrina knows the issues that matter, as locals struggle with their grocery bills, their power bills, their insurance bills and almost every single other expense,” Mr Littleproud said.
“Katrina has been a strong advocate against Labor’s planned wind farm in the Illawarra.
The Nationals were the first political party to have the courage to commit to calling it in, if elected. We have led the way in stopping Labor’s bad plan and with the help of Katrina, will continue to do so.
“Families are also still waiting for their $275 power bill reduction, which never came. In fact, energy bills under Labor have cost $1000 more.
“This week’s interest rate cut will unfortunately only offset one of 12 rate rises under Labor.
Families with a typical mortgage have spent an additional $50,000 of interest since Labor
came to government.”
Ms Hodgkinson comes with extensive experience, having previously worked as the New
South Wales Minister for Primary Industries and the Minister for Small Business, and as a
Member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly.
“I am delighted to have the opportunity to represent The Nationals in this beautiful part of New South Wales,” Ms Hodgkinson said.
“Having lived in the electorate for over 26 years, owned and operated a retail business in the electorate for many years, and with both my children having attended their primary and senior schooling in the electorate of Whitlam, I am excited to have the opportunity to represent the local area.
“I look forward to using my extensive parliamentary and Ministerial experience to improve the lives of locals.
“I am delighted to be joined today by the Leader of The Nationals David Littleproud.
“Having David here today shows that The Nationals take this electorate very seriously and
we will fight with all we have, to bring strong and effective representation to this very
important part of the Illawarra.
“I will also continue my dedicated opposition to the Labor/Greens proposed offshore wind farm and am proud to be part of a team that said ‘no’ to this project, first.”
The Nationals Senator for New South Wales Ross Cadell reinforced that The Nationals do not support licencing applications for Labor’s wind farm in the Illawarra.
“Minister Chris Bowen claims the project will be smaller in size and further offshore yet the project will still cover a huge 1,022 square kilometres,” Senator Cadell said.
“There has been little community consultation and the project still doesn’t have
environmental approvals, despite being on a whale migration path. It has been widely
rejected by the local community.
“Offshore wind projects will leave the Illawarra wearing the scars of Labor’s reckless race, a risk that the growing Illawarra tourism industry can’t afford.”